Category: Photography

  • In remembrance of Spring

    In remembrance of Spring

    This was my yard a couple of weeks ago. Now it’s just all too much grass and poison ivy (insert sad face). I miss Spring time already and it’s not even over. These were some of the first days with my new camera, Panasonic Lumix LX100. Can’t say enough goodness about this little beast of…

  • And the plastic battle raged on…

    And the plastic battle raged on…

    So much fun with one little camera. I’m telling you, once you truly sit down and think about your workflow and your needs, then you will find the proper fitting camera for you. Don’t fall prey to the latest pixel count or sensor size. And interchangeable lens are really just another way to get more…

  • Seriously Shallow…Part II

    Seriously Shallow…Part II

    This camera is just way too much fun. And I’m really falling in love with Macro photography. It’s been so long since I’ve had a decent camera that could handle such small subject matter and close-up work. Also, this 1.7 lens really helps. So, today, I was playing around with using some printed backdrops; and…

  • Seriously Shallow…

    Seriously Shallow…

    Yeah, this is a seriously shallow depth of field. Just playing around with my new Lumix LX100. Completely rocks for such a small camera. 4K video, amazing photo features, old school ergonomics, tiny size, large chip, good price…can’t say enough good about this one. Don’t be fooled by the DSLR world…just get what you need…

  • Silo Tree

    Silo Tree

    Seriously…somebody built a silo around a tree. This just goes to show the dumbing down of America (or is it just the dumbing down of me…derp).

  • The Untold Story

    The Untold Story

    Due to a time travel accident, and with the aid of some organic lubricants, I am personally responsible for the genetic mutation of the jack rabbit and the antelope.

  • Waiting For Walking

    Waiting For Walking

    Waiting around for the next walk.

  • Merry Christmas Everyone

    Merry Christmas Everyone

    My little Christmas corner in my house. Hope your holidays were as good as mine (but not better, otherwise I’d be really jealous).

  • Inner Child Self Portrait

    Inner Child Self Portrait

  • Dakota Shack

    Dakota Shack