This camera is just way too much fun. And I’m really falling in love with Macro photography. It’s been so long since I’ve had a decent camera that could handle such small subject matter and close-up work. Also, this 1.7 lens really helps. So, today, I was playing around with using some printed backdrops; and also playing around with some manual focus and depth fun. All of these shots were just using natural daylight coming in my morning windows. I had the camera on tripod so I could use some long exposures if needed. I don’t think I ever got longer than 1/15 of a second.
So, first Dr Doom shows up to stir up some trouble. But Hulk is having none of that…am I right? Hulk smash puny Doom…
Oh…and them the Army. I mean, come on boys…how many times have you tried this one? And these guys are only 15mm tall. Really…Flames of War minis up against a Hulk Heroclix (yeah, that was game-talk for you non-nerdlings)
Throughout this Hulk-fest I was trying out using some printed backdrops. I grabbed some city/street photos from Google and just printed them on cardstock. I think they make a better background than my blurry table-top. The one above and below is just a B&W silhouette. The others are actually real-life color city-scapes.
The shallow depth-of-field blurs out the backdrop nicely. Most of these shots are using around a 1.7 aperature.
Once the Avengers show up I tried closing down the aperture to get a deeper focus…but seriously, who am I kidding…I’m a big fan of Seriously Shallow DoF (depth-of-field for all you non-photo-nerdlings)
This shot above shows the full game miniature. These are from the game Heroclix. I’m a HUGE fan of the game since it satisfies my nerd-brain whenever I debate “who would win in a fight between Daredevil and Batman?” Well…in Heroclix, you can have such a battle.
Here are two very similar shots but with very different depth-of-field…
…a little bit of color tweaking…and the battle rages on…